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Line Name Species Mutated Gene(s) Description Availability
Xla.trilemNXR X. laevis tril.L tril.S CRISPR knockout of tril (LR4 interactor with leucine-rich repeats). Co-injected for both L and S. Ge... NXR
Xla.tracemHorb X. laevis trac.S X. laevis CRISPR line targeting trac.S (T cell receptor alpha constant), a gene associated with immu... NXR
Xla.thrbem3NXR X. laevis thrb.L Double CRISPR mutant line of thrb (thyroid hormone receptor, beta ) with animals carrying a 8bp dele...
Xla.thrbem2NXR X. laevis thrb.S CRISPR knockout of thrb.S thyroid hormone receptor, beta S homolog). germline transmission confirmed...
Xla.thrbem1NXR X. laevis thrb.L CRISPR knockout of thrb.L thyroid hormone receptor, beta L homolog). germline transmission confirmed...
Xla.tcf3emNXR X. laevis tcf3.L X. laevis CRISPR line targeting tcf3.L (transcription factor 3). Line in development. Contact NXR f... NXR
Xla.tcf3em2NXR X. laevis CRISPR knockout of tcf3.S ( transcription factor 3). Germ line transmission not yet confirmed. Cont...
Xla.tbx21emNXR X. laevis tbx21.L tbx21.S double CRISPR KO line targeting tbx21.L and tbx21.S in X. laevis. germ line transmission snd mutatio... NXR
Xla.tap2emNXR X. laevis tap2.L tap2.S X. laevis CRISPR line targeting tap2 (transporter 2, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), a... NXR
Xla.tap1emNXR X. laevis tap1.L X. laevis CRISPR line targeting tap1 (transporter 1, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), a... NXR
Xla.sox10emHorb X. laevis sox10.L sox10.S Probable double CRISPR knockout of sox10 (SRY-box 10). Confirmed germline transmission in sox10.L (W... NXR
Xla.sobpemNXR X. tropicalis sobp CRISPR knockout of sobp (sine oculis binding protein homolog ), a gene associated with MRAMS, an in...
Xla.slc45a2em2NXR X. laevis slc45a2.L CRISPR knockout of slc45a2 (solute carrier family 45 member 2 ). Screened for germline transmission....
Xla.slc16a2emHorb X. laevis slc16a2.L slc16a2.S Double CRISPR knockout of slc16a2 (solute carrier family 16, member 2 (thyroid hormone transporter))... NXR
Xla.scanwemNXR X. laevis CRISPR knock out of the male sex determining gene, scan-w. Animals carry a 20bp deletion in scanw. ... NXR
Xla.rykemNXR X. laevis ryk.S CRISPR knockout of ryk.S (receptor like tyrosine kinase S homeolog). Germline transmission not yet c... NXR
Xla.runx1em(GFP)EXRC X. laevis runx1.L CRISPR-Cas9 mediated insertion of IRES-GFP sequence into the 3'-UTR of runx1 gene,
Xla.rag2emNXR X. laevis rag2.L CRISPR knockout of rag2 (recombination activating 2). Germ line transmission confirmed. Animals carr... NXR
Xla.prph2emHorb X. laevis prph2.L prph2.S X. laevis CRISPR knockout line of prph2 (peripherin 2 (retinal degeneration, slow)). Mutant line gen...
Xla.prkdcem2NXR X. laevis prkdc.L CRISPR KO of prkdc (protein kinase, DNA-activated, catalytic subunit ). Germ line transmission confi... NXR
Xla.prkdcem1NXR X. laevis prkdc.L CRISPR KO of prkdc (protein kinase, DNA-activated, catalytic subunit ). Germ line transmission confi... NXR
Xla.prickle1emHorb X. laevis prickle1.L prickle1.S CRISPR knockout of prickle1(prickle planar cell polarity protein 1). Confirmed germ line transmissio... NXR
Xla.ppp2r2aemHorb X. laevis ppp2r2a.L CRISPR knockout of ppp2r2a (protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B, alpha ). Current mosaic foun... NXR
Xla.pkhd1emHorb X. laevis pkhd1.L CRISPR knockout of pkhd1 (PKHD1, fibrocystin/polyductin), Germ line transmission confirmed. Animals ...
Xla.pkhd1em3Horb X. laevis pkhd1.L 3rd of 3 X. laevis CRISPR lines for pkhd1 (ciliary IPT domain containing fibrocystin/polyductin) gen... NXR
Xla.pkhd1em2Horb X. laevis pkhd1.L CRISPR knockout of pkhd1 (PKHD1, fibrocystin/polyductin), Germ line transmission confirmed. Animals ... NXR
Xla.pkd2emHorb X. laevis pkd2.L CRISPR knockout of pkd2 (polycystin 2, transient receptor potential cation channel ). Confirmed germ...
Xla.pkd1em3Horb X. laevis pkd1.L CRISPR knockout of pkd1 (polycystin 1, transient receptor potential channel interacting). Germ line ...
Xla.pkd1em2Horb X. laevis pkd1.L CRISPR knockout of pkd1 (polycystin 1, transient receptor potential channel interacting). Germ line ... NXR
Xla.pkd1em1Horb X. laevis pkd1.L CRISPR knockout of pkd1 (polycystin 1, transient receptor potential channel interacting). Germ line...
Xla.pcntemHorb X. laevis pcnt.L CRISPR knockout of pcnt (pericentrin ). Confirmed germline transmission. Custom mutant generated by ...
Xla.pax7emHorb X. laevis pax7.L CRISPR knockout of pax7 (paired box ). Germ line transmission confirmed. Animals carry a 4bp 9 bp o... NXR
Xla.pax7em3Horb X. laevis pax7.L pax7.S 3rd Xlaevis pax7 mutant line at the NXR. CRISPR knockout of pax7 (paired box 7). Germ line transmiss... NXR
Xla.pax7em2Horb X. laevis pax7.L pax7.S CRISPR knockout of pax7 (paired box ). Germ line transmission confirmed. Animals carry a -22bp dele... NXR
Xla.pax3emHorb X. laevis pax3.L CRISPR knockout of pax3 (paired box 3). Germ line transmission confirmed. animals carry a 11bp delet...
Xla.olig3emHorb X. laevis olig3.S CRISPR knockout of olig3 (oligodendrocyte transcription factor 3) ( olig3.S in Xlaevis). Current mos...
Xla.olig2emHorb X. laevis olig2.L CRISPR knockout of olig2 (oligodendrocyte lineage transcription factor 2) in X. laevis. KOs both oli...
Xla.npffr1.1emEXRC X. laevis npffr1.1.L Crispr-Cas9 mutation in the npffr1.1 gene (neuropeptide FF receptor 1, gene 1 ).
Xla.notch4emHorb X. laevis notch4.S TALEN knockout of notch4 in X. laevis. THIS LINE is no longer available from the NXR
Xla.myogemNXR X. laevis myog.L CRISPR knockout of myog (myogenin) in Xlaevis. Germ line transmission not yet confirmed. F0 founders...
Xla.myod1emNXR X. laevis myod1.L CRISPR knockout of myod1 (myogenic differentiation 1) in X laevis. Germ line transmission not yet co...
Xla.myod1em2NXR X. laevis myod1.L CRISPR knockout of myod1 (myogenic differentiation 1) in X laevis. Germ line transmission not yet co...
Xla.myf6emNXR X. laevis myf6.L TALENS knockout of myf6 (myogenic factor 6) in X. laevis. Germ line transmission confirmed. Contact...
Xla.myf5emNXR X. laevis myf5.L CRISPR knockout of myf5 (myogenic factor 5). Germ line transmission not yet confirmed. F0 founders. ...
Xla.mitfemHorb X. laevis mitf.L CRISPR knockout of mitf (melanocyte inducing transcription factor) Germ line transmission confirmed....
Xla.mcidasemHorb X. laevis mcidas.L CRISPR knockout of mcidas (multiciliate differentiation and DNA synthesis associated cell cycle prot...
Xla.kcptmFlc X. laevis kcp.L One-cell stage Xenopus Xla.Tg(Cardiac-actin:GFP)Mohun embryos were microinjected with 1 ng TALEN mRN...
Xla.il2rgem2NXR X. laevis CRISPR knockout of il2rg (interleukin 2 receptor subunit gamma). Germ line transmission confirmed. A...
Xla.il2rgem1NXR X. laevis il2rg.L CRISPR knockout of il2rg (interleukin 2 receptor subunit gamma). Germ line transmission confirmed. ...
Xla.hps4m X. laevis hps4.L This periodic albino mutant of Xenopus laevis is a recessive mutant. Fukazawa et al 2020 showed that...

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