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J Vis Exp 2024 Jun 28;208:. doi: 10.3791/67086.
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Methods for Tattooing Xenopus laevis with a Rotary Tattoo Machine.

Suber JR , Landino J .

Animal models expand the scope of biomedical research, furthering our understanding of developmental, molecular, and cellular biology and enabling researchers to model human disease. Recording and tracking individual animals allows researchers to reduce the number of animals required for study and refine practices to improve animal wellbeing. Several well-documented methods exist for marking and tracking mammals, including ear punching and ear tags. However, methods for marking aquatic amphibian species are limited, with the existing resources being outdated, ineffective, or prohibitively costly. In this manuscript, we outline methods and best practices for marking Xenopus laevis with a rotary tattoo machine. Proper tattooing results in high-quality tattoos, making individuals easily distinguishable for researchers and posing minimal risk to animals' health. We also highlight the causes of poor-quality tattoos, which can result in tattoos that fade quickly and cause unnecessary harm to animals. This approach allows researchers and veterinarians to mark amphibians, enabling them to track biological replicates and transgenic lines and to keep accurate records of animal health.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 39007614
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC11292787
??? J Vis Exp
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References [+] :
Bermudez, Probing the biology of cell boundary conditions through confinement of Xenopus cell-free cytoplasmic extracts. 2017, Pubmed, Xenbase