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Summary Attributions

Line Name: Xtr.IvoryCoastHuarc

Line Images

Synonym: XB-STRAIN-195, IC, Ivory Coast, IC strain, Adiopodoum, Xtr.IvoryCoastNBRP
Species: Xenopus tropicalis
Background Strain: Xtr.Outbred
Paternal Line: Xtr.IvoryCoastFisch
Maternal Line: Xtr.IvoryCoastFisch
Description: This strain was taken from a wild population in Adipodoumé, Ivory Coast, and has been shown to be diploid (Tymowska & Fishberg, 1973). Adult males and females were provided to Dr. K. Yoshizato (Institute for Amphibian Biology, Hiroshima University) in 1998 from Drs. D. Rungger and H.R. Kobel at Université de Genève. Reference:
Phenotype Description: Pigmented X tropicalis from a geographically distinct location in Ivory Coast. Slighter build, and thinner than Nigerian strain of X tropicalis.
Color Morph: pigmented
Breeding Type: INBRED
Lab of Origin: Yoshizato Lab, Huarc
Line Type: Wild Type
Mutated Gene(s):
MTA Required: Yes
Public: Yes
Catalogue Number: HUARC_1004

Stock Center RRID Generation Availability Mutant Details Information
EXRC (Europe)
NBRP (Japan) HUARC_1004 Adult Order males available
F2+ Order adult males and juvenile frogs from generation IC-VI-1 , -2 and -3

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