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Figure 6. Cys-13 on DPP6a is the target of both tBHP- and diamide-induced oxidation.A. Kv4.2+KChIP3a+DPP6a/C13S currents in response to 500-ms-long depolarization at +60 mV before and after 1 mM tBHP treatment. Multiple traces are overlapped to show that the current is no longer sensitive to tBHP. B. Response of 500-ms-long Kv4.2+KChIP3a+DPP6a/C13S current at +60 mV to 0.4 mM diamide. Again, overlapped multiple traces show that the mutation C13S renders DPP6a insensitive to diamide. C. Quantitative measurements of change in peak current before and after oxidant treatment. With tBHP, n = 3; with diamide, n = 7.

Image published in: Jerng HH and Pfaffinger PJ (2014)

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