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Fig. S1. JNK is required for the localization of adherens junction components during Xenopus gut morphogenesis. (A-L) Embryos were exposed to DMSO or SP600125 from stages 35 to 46, fixed, sectioned and immunohistochemically processed to reveal E-cadherin (Ecad, green; A-D), the adherens junction components α-catenin (αcat, red; A-F) and β-catenin (βcat, red; G-L), the gut mesodermal marker, smooth-muscle actin (green, as a counterstain; G-J) and DAPI-stained nuclei (blue) in the developing gut tube, as indicated. Asterisks indicate the inner population of endoderm cells. Scale bars: 50 μm.

Image published in: Dush MK and Nascone-Yoder NM (2013)

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